Call for Research Submissions
New Faculty/Doctoral Research
Working Papers
2016 ATA Midyear Meeting (February 26 and 27)
We invite submissions of research papers. We encourage submission across a wide variety of topics and methods. We welcome new topics, new research methods, and new data sets, in addition to traditional domains.
Eligible research papers fall into the following categories.
(1) New Faculty / Doctoral Research: For a paper to qualify in this category, at least one author on the manuscript must have started their first tenure-track faculty position during the 2012-2013 academic year or later, or must be a doctoral student. Doctoral students are invited to submit papers based on their dissertation or other working papers. The ATA will partially support doctoral students who have papers accepted for the New Faculty/Doctoral Student Research session (the registration fee will be waived and one night’s lodging at the hotel will be provided).
(2) Working Papers: For a paper to qualify in this category, the manuscript must be sufficiently developed to allow informed feedback (e.g., well developed background and theory, clearly stated hypotheses, and statistical analysis). We encourage submission of a variety of papers including those that examine new topics, employ new methods, or use new data sets, etc. that might appeal to our audience of tax enthusiasts. The aims are to provide authors with relevant and timely feedback and to provide the audience exposure to cutting edge research.
(3) Teaching and Curriculum Conference: Proposals related to any and all substantive and pedagogical issues are welcome. Ideas related to the following would be particularly interesting. Techniques for incorporating technology into the tax course Tools to enhance online courses Ideas for enhancing the value of online homework packages Techniques used to flip the classroom Tips for enhancing student interest in taxation Proposals should include a brief (1-2 page) description of the idea.
As part of the submission process, you will be asked to direct your paper to one or both of the above categories and to indicate whether your submission should be considered for inclusion in the research forum.
Submissions must be completed by November 2, 2015.