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2023 American Taxation Association Midyear Meeting

New Login Information


Due to new security protocols, upon your first visit to the submission site, please click on the link at the bottom right that reads "Click here if you have forgotten your password or username." This will allow you to set your password for the submission site (and confirm you are using the email address associated with your AAA account).


If you know your AAA Username, please enter it in the top form field and press the "Reset My Password" button. This will email a password reset link to the email address you have on file with the AAA. Please your junk folder if you have not received an email from "" within 5 minutes.


Click on the Reset Password link included in the email and you will be able to set your password. We encourage you to use your AAA member password.


Log in using your AAA username and the new password on the next screen.



The 35th annual American Taxation Association (ATA) Midyear Meeting will be held in Washington, DC, February 23 - 25, 2023. We invite submissions to the following sessions. Details about each session along with specific submission requirements are included below.


Reminder: Please be sure to follow the Submission Instructions for the Journal Conferences included in each call.

JATA Conference - Call for Submissions
JLTR Conference - Call for Submissions
ATA Midyear Meeting - Call for Research Submissions
Teaching and Curriculum Conference – Call for Proposals

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