ERROR: relation "aaa140401_proceeding_action_tracker" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO aaa140401_proceeding_action_tracker(action_track... ^There was an unexpected database error.ERROR: relation "aaa140401_proceeding_action_tracker" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO aaa140401_proceeding_action_tracker(action_track... ^There was an unexpected database error.Auditing Section Midyear Meeting and Doctoral Consortium: Audit Negotiations: The Effect of Communicating Involvement of the Professional Practice Department and Auditor-Type on Negotiated Outcomes
Individual Submission Summary

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Audit Negotiations: The Effect of Communicating Involvement of the Professional Practice Department and Auditor-Type on Negotiated Outcomes

Sat, January 18, 7:30 to 8:30am, TBA


Auditor-Client negotiation about difficult client accounting issues involves the auditor, the client, and various other parties. On the auditor side, the Professional Practice Department (PPD) is reported to play a significant role in the financial reporting process. In this study, I investigate the financial and relationship outcome of communicating the involvement of the PPD in the context of two other variables found to be important within the continuing auditor-client relationship, auditor type and CFO preferred auditor-type. 154 highly experienced CFOs participated in the study and results indicate authoritatively communicating the PPD’s involvement had mixed effects on CFOs willingness to adjust the financial statements, depending on the type of auditor paired with. CFOs reported less satisfaction when authoritative influence tactics were used. Furthermore, CFO’s preference for auditor-type significantly affects both their willingness to adjust the financial statements and their satisfaction with the auditor. Implications of these results are discussed.
