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Session Submission Type: Roundtable Session
Evidence of Indirect Effects of Mentoring on Accountants' Job Performamce and Turnover Intentions - Timothy J Fogarty, Case Western Reserve University; Alan Reinstein, Wayne State University; Rebekah Annette Heath, Middle Tennessee State University; David H Sinason, Northern Illinois University
Examining How Auditing Text Books Cover the AICPA’S Conceptual Framework for Ethics - Martin A Leibowitz, Yeshiva University; Alan Reinstein, Wayne State University
Audit Reviewers’ Inventory Write-Down Recommendations: Effects of Client and Subordinate Competence - Mohammad J Abdolmohammadi, Bentley University; Nathan Hatch Cannon, Texas State University; Alan Reinstein, Wayne State University
Religion and Fences: A Look to the Past for a Solution Now - Alan Reinstein, Wayne State University; Eileen Z Taylor, North Carolina State University
Using Fuzzy Set Theory to Help Resolve Governmental Hospitals’ Health Care Decision Conflicts - Alan Reinstein, Wayne State University; Mohamed Bayou, University of Michigan-Dearborn; Xinyu Du, Igate Patni Americas
How Does Industry Clustering Impact the Audit market? - Neal Andrew Vanden Berg, Temple University
Auditor Salaries and Client Audit Fees: A Location Based Analysis - Neal Andrew Vanden Berg, Temple University
Trends in the Market for Audit Services: Big-4 "Cherry Picking" or Non- Big-4 Market Power? - Hua Xin, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark; Bharat Sarath, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark
Religiosity, Financial Reporting, and Audit Fees - Hua Xin, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark; Bikki Jaggi, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark