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2020 Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA)


• Hands-on Teaching Clinic
• Mentoring by Master Teachers
• Cutting Edge Classroom Technology
• Best Practices in Instructional Strategies

• Collaboration Among Individuals
  Passionate about Teaching
• Emerging Topics in Accounting



Submit your proposals by 11:59 pm EST February 5, 2020 for the American Accounting Association's Thirteenth Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA) to be held August 8-9 as part of the AAA Annual Meeting (August 9-12) in Atlanta, Georgia. Your proposals will be peer­reviewed and you will be notified by April 3, 2020 if you are selected to be one of the presenters. The CTLA program committee reserves the right to assign acceptances to the CTLA final program based on where they fit best since the program is an amalgamation of accepted proposals. 

Questions about CTLA submissions? Please contact Stephanie Glaser at

Note: When you submit your proposal, you will be asked to create a user ID and password. You will then use this information to update and/or access the status of your submission. We recommend that you use your AAA login, although you will not be able access to AAA member services (i.e., registration, dues renewal, etc.) through the submission site.

CTLA is designed for all interested in developing, refining, and perfecting their teaching strategies/materials and their craft of teaching accounting.  New faculty and PhD students, as well as for experienced faculty are encouraged to attend and participate. The conference precedes the AAA Annual Meeting and offers teaching and technology-oriented CPE. While submissions are welcome in all teaching- and learning-related areas, submissions are particularly encouraged in the following areas:

  • Teaching approaches that can be adapted across multiple courses
  • Integrating leading-edge technology practices and tools into accounting courses
  • Improving critical thinking skills
  • Promoting ethics in the classroom and profession
  • integrating emerging accounting topics into accounting courses/curriculum
  • Incorporating data analytics in accounting courses
  • Designing learning activities using Excel-based and other technology-based applications
  • Engaging strategies to increase student retention
  • Assessing student learning outcomes
  • Developing course design
  • Teaching strategies and resources for new faculty
  • Tips and techniques for different classroom environments e.g. online teaching, flipped     classroom, adaptive learning environments

When you submit your proposal, indicate Submission Session Type (shown below) most fitting for your presentation, Area of Accounting (e.g. financial, tax, auditing), if applicable. Student Level (e.g. introductory, upper level-junior senior, graduate level) if applicable.


Teaching concurrent sessions may encompass any topical area of accounting, the latest trends in pedagogy or the profession, or emerging in demands for accounting skills (i.e., critical thinking, communication).  

Hands-on Concurrent Sessions
Description:  A hands-on activity driven 50-minute concurrent session.

Proposal should include: A short description (250 words) and learning outcomes of the proposed activities, the area of accounting, and the student level for which your presentation is geared. These concurrent sessions are generally 50 minutes. Note submission acceptance does not guarantee the desired 50 minute time preference.

Description:  Twenty-minute teaching tips at presenter-led roundtables. You will present your teaching tips multiple times as participants switch tables every 20 minutes to learn methods of improving teaching, building student engagement, developing active classroom environments and other ways to enhance their teaching. This session is high energy and lots of fun!

Proposal should include: A short description (250 words) and learning outcomes of the proposed teaching tip, the course or courses it is used in, and why it is effective.

Poster Talks/Demonstrations
Description:  This is a fast-paced concurrent session where multiple participants share teaching ideas, strategies, cases, methods, and class activities in a TED-talk format. Presenters will have no more than 10 minutes to speak using powerpoint-based “posters.”

Proposal should include: A short description (250 words) including the course name, topic area, teaching tip or assignment idea, learning outcome and a brief statement about why you believe this is a unique and effective approach.

Technology concurrent sessions may utilize data analytics or current/emerging technology application(s) in any topical area of accounting, the latest trends in pedagogy, or emerging demands for accounting skills.  

Tech Hands-on Concurrent Session
Description:   A hands-on activity driven 50-minute concurrent session on a technology topic, pedagogy, case, or project.

Proposal should include: A short description (250 words) and learning outcomes of the proposed technology application, the area of accounting, and the student level for which your presentation is geared. Note the device(s) or software applications participants should bring with them to the session. There will be no internet connectivity, so any online materials for theses technology sessions must be downloaded ahead of time. These concurrent sessions are generally 50 minutes. Note submission acceptance does not guarantee the desired 50 minute time preference.

Tech Roundtables
Description:  Twenty-minute technology tips at presenter-led roundtables. During the session, presenters will share their technology tip multiple times as participants switch tables every 20 minutes to learn ways to use technology to create efficiencies and/or improve teaching and learning. Tips may involve novel approaches using existing technology or may demonstrate cutting edge devices or software applications.

Proposal should include: A short description (250 words) and learning outcomes of the proposed technology tip, the course or courses it is used in, and why it is effective.

Tech Poster Talks/Demonstrations
Description: This is a fast-paced concurrent session where multiple participants share brief demonstrations of educational technology applications in a TED-talk format.   Presenters will have no more than 10 minutes to speak using powerpoint-based “posters.” Conference participants can learn about many different technology applications.

Proposal should include:
A short description (250 words) including the name of the technology application (e.g., Kahoot, Tableau, Power BI). learning outcome and how faculty will benefit from using this technology in their courses.


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