The Seventh Annual Mid-Year Forensic Accounting Conference will be held March 4-5, 2016, at the Crowne Plaza Charlotte Executive Park in Charlotte, North Carolina. The conference will consist of keynote speakers, concurrent sessions dealing with a wide variety of fraud, forensic, and investigative accounting topics, panel discussions, case work, and other scholarly activity.
The submission deadline for papers, teaching cases, panel proposals, and class materials is 11:59 pm EST extended to December 31.
Please consider submitting to the conference any of the following:
Research Papers. (empirical, behavioral, pedagogical, etc.) that deal with topics relevant to fraud, forensics, or investigative accounting.
Teaching Cases. in fraud, forensics, or investigative accounting. These papers will either be included in our "hands-on" sessions in which you will lead participants through the case as if they were students in your class or will be included in a poster session.
Class Materials. We will also have a forum for class materials where you can share unique projects you do in your class that you are willing to share with others.
Research in Progress. We will have a research in progress session where individuals can present research proposals, pilot studies, or other unfinished projects. If you are looking for feedback on your project this is the place to present your idea. Submit a proposal and outline for consideration.
Panel Discussions. If you have a relevant idea for a panel discussion and are willing to find and organize the participants, please submit a short write-up of your idea and send via email to Pat Johnson.
Video. If you have created an original video, or use video in your forensic accounting class and can share your approach, please submit a write-up and link to your video (if possible). Video submissions should be sent via email to Pat Johnson. The deadline for video submissions is Sunday, November 22, 2015.
We strongly encourage Ph.D. Students and their advisors to consider submitting work in progress to consider for presentation or the forum. If you are a Ph.D. student (or advisor), please include this information in the field labeled "Additional Information" on the submission form.
Please consider volunteering to participate as a reviewer and/or moderator. To volunteer for these roles, please select "Volunteer Opportunities" from the main menu.
Submission Information
Research papers include the requirement to submit just one file in PDF format. Each submission will be blind-reviewed, so the file should NOT contain any author identification information. Teaching cases should be in a format similar to that used in Issues in Accounting Education. Please indicate if the submission has been published or accepted for publication.
Hope to see you in Charlotte in March!