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2018 Government and Nonprofit Section Midyear Meeting

Call for Submissions

The Government and Nonprofit (GNP) Section Midyear Meeting will be held March 9-10, 2018 at the Renaissance Providence Downtown Hotel in Providence, RI. 


We welcome theoretical, practical, pedagogical and case-study papers on any government or nonprofit accounting research topic. We encourage the submission of completed studies, emerging studies (studies that are in the early stages of development), as well as dialogue studies (studies that are approaching completion). Papers not accepted for concurrent sessions will be considered for emerging studies and/or dialogue discussions. Papers accepted for concurrent sessions will be considered for the best paper award. Please submit your work by the deadline of 11:59 pm EST on Wednesday, November 22, 2017.

All submitting authors and co-authors will be asked to volunteer to serve as reviewers of submissions, as well as moderators and/or discussants at the meeting. We also invite those who do not submit papers, but with interest in attending the conference, to volunteer as reviewers, moderators, and discussants.

To submit your paper and to volunteer as a reviewer, discussant, or moderator, please login above. If you have forgotten your ID/password for the submission system Click the "Click here to retrieve your password or user name" link below.

Don't have a username and password? Then create an account in this submission system using your AAA login credentials by clicking the "Create a New Account" link under the Login Here box above (We encourage you to use your AAA credentials. If you do not have an account with AAA you may still create an account in the submission system. Note: You MUST be a AAAmember to attend the meeting.

If you have any difficulty accessing the system, please contact Suzanne Mullinnix.

Click here to retrieve your password or user name.


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