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2014 International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting
2014 20th Annual Midyear Meeting
and 10th Ph.D./New Faculty Consortium of the
International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association

Joint with the
International Association for Accounting Education and Research

The Westin Riverwalk
San Antonio, Texas
February 20–22, 2014

The 20th Annual Midyear Conference and 10th Annual Doctoral/New Faculty Consortium of the International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association will be held in San Antonio, Texas at the Westin Riverwalk during February 20–22, 2014. The meeting will be co-chaired by Francesco Bova (University of Toronto), Lili Sun (University of North Texas) and Ya-wen Yang (Wake Forest University). The conference program will start Thursday, February 20, with the doctoral student/new faculty consortium (coordinated by Bjorn Jorgensen, London School of Economics) and CPE workshop. The conference will continue with the plenary sessions, panels, concurrent sessions, poster sessions and other events through Saturday afternoon. There will be receptions on Thursday and Friday evenings.

You are invited to contribute to the program through submissions of international accounting research papers, cases and/or panel proposals. Please also consider volunteering to become a reviewer, discussant, and/or moderator.

Authors will be notified of the committee's decision by December 10, 2013. As in past years, special consideration will be given to papers and cases that have been authored (or co-authored) by and will be presented by doctoral students and/or assistant professors. To indicate that a submission meets this criterion, please include an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the title of the paper.

Authors may request a "fast-track" review for publication in one of the following journals:

* Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR)
* Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting (JIFMA)
* Accounting Education: An International Journal (AE)

The Fast Track review is a quick but incomplete review of a paper by the editorial staff as to a paper's suitability and potential for publication. All JIAR, JIFMA and AE submissions must go through the full editorial review process.

Submission Guidelines
All submissions will be subject to a blind review process. Therefore, submitted documents should NOT include a title page or any author identifying information. Submitting authors will be asked to copy/paste an abstract of the paper (200-400 words) into a form field, separately from the submitted document. Authors will be listed in the printed program in the order they are entered during the online submission process. PDF is the preferred format for paper submissions.
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