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2015 Information Systems Section Midyear Meeting and AIS New Scholar Consortium
Please join us for the 2015 Accounting Information Systems Section Midyear meeting and 13th annual AIS New Scholar Consortium, which will be held January 21 - 24, 2015 at the Charleston Marriott, Charleston, SC. This joint meeting with the SET section will include a plenary speaker, a pre-conference workshop, a panel discussion, research paper sessions, education paper sessions, and interactive short paper sessions.

The deadline for submission of research and education papers for the conference is Thursday, October 23, 2014. Research (including pedagogical research) papers should follow the style and submission guidelines of the Journal of Information Systems (JIS). Instructional cases should be in a format similar to that used in Issues in Accounting Education.

Papers submitted to the Accounting Information Systems section will be reviewed with the intention of identifying promising papers that may be suitable for publication in the Journal of Information Systems. The Journal of Information Systems editor will contact authors of identified papers and invite their submission to the Journal of Information Systems. See the Policy and Procedure for Identifying Promising Papers for Publication in the Journal of Information Systems for more information.

Conference submissions are eligible for three best paper awards, each with a $500 prize: (a) best paper, (b) best case paper and (c) best education paper.

Information on how to submit papers, and for volunteering as a reviewer, discussant, or moderator will be announced soon.

New Scholars Workshop
The New Scholars Workshop will focus on AIS research issues. In addition, the workshop will provide career planning and career development insights to Ph.D. students and junior faculty (typically those three or fewer years removed from a Ph.D. program). The AIS section will provide one hotel night to the first twenty five new scholars who register with priority being given to current Ph.D. students. Steve Sutton from the University of Central Florida will coordinate this year’s New Scholar Workshop. You may address questions you might have about the workshop to:
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