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2017 Joint Mid-Year Meeting of the AIS and SET Sections

2017 Joint Midyear Meeting of the AIS and SET Sections
Please join us for the 2017 Joint Midyear Meeting of the Accounting Information Systems Section and the Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section. Together with the 15th annual AIS New Scholar Consortium, the joint meeting will be held January 19 - 21, 2017 at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista. The meeting will include a plenary speaker, pre-conference workshops, panels, research paper sessions, education paper sessions, and interactive short paper sessions.

Accounting Information Systems Submissions Instructions:
The deadline for submission of AIS research and education papers for the conference is Monday, September 12, 2016 11:59 pm EDT has been extended to Friday, October 7, 2016, 11:59 pm EDT. Research (including pedagogical research) papers should follow the style and submission guidelines of the Journal of Information Systems (JIS). Instructional cases should be in a format similar to that used in Issues in Accounting Education. Papers submitted to the Accounting Information Systems section will be reviewed with the intention of identifying promising papers that may be suitable for publication in the Journal of Information Systems. The Journal of Information Systems editors will contact authors of identified papers and invite their submission to the Journal of Information Systems. See the Policy and Procedure for Identifying Promising Papers for Publicationin the Journal of Information Systemsfor more information.

Conference submissions are eligible for four best paper awards, each with a $500 prize: (a) best paper, (b) best case paper, (c) best education paper and (d) best emerging scholars paper award.

AIS Panel and Workshop Proposals:  Please send your ideas or direct any questions to Diane Janvrin.

Strategic and Emerging Technologies Submissions Instructions:
The deadline for submission of SET research and education papers for the conference is Friday October 7, 2016, 11:59 pm EDT has been extended to Wednesday, October 19, 11:59 pm EDT.   We will consider submissions provided up to this date for inclusion in the SET section sessions of the conference.

Papers submitted to the Strategic and Emerging Technologies section will be reviewed with the intention of identifying promising papers that may be suitable for publication in the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA). The JETA editor will contact authors of identified papers and invite their submission to JETA.

A $500 award will be presented to the best SET paper. If a sufficient number of submissions are received, two $500 awards will be presented, one each to the best research paper and the best educational paper.

SET Panel and Workshop Proposals:  Please send your ideas or direct any questions to Michael Kraten.

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