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2019 Joint Mid-Year Meeting of the AIS and SET Sections

January 10-12, 2019 – Hilton Palacio del Rio

The 2019 Joint Midyear Meeting of the Accounting Information Systems Section and the Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section will be held in San Antonio, Texas at the Hilton Palacio del Rio on January 10-12, 2019.

Research (including pedagogical research) papers should follow the style and submission guidelines of the Journal of Information Systems (JIS) or Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA). Instructional cases should be in a format similar to that used in Issues in Accounting Education. Papers submitted will be reviewed with the intention of identifying promising papers that may be suitable for publication in JIS or JETA. Editors from the respective journals will contact the authors of identified papers and invite their submission to their journal.

Conference submissions are eligible for up to five best paper awards, each with a $500 prize. The AIS section will award a best paper, best case/education paper, and best emerging scholar’s paper award. The SET section will award a best paper in both the emerging scholar and established scholar categories.

The deadline for submission of papers for the conference as extended to Friday, September 14, 2018, 11:59 EDT.

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