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The Contributions of A Big-4 Firm to World War II

Sat, April 18, 7:00 to 8:00am, Renaissance Asheville Hotel, TBA


America’s entry into World War II was the start of the largest business undertaking in world history, and accountants were needed to keep track of the records for that undertaking and to act as auditors. There were new taxes and regulations on manufacturing that required the expertise of accountants, but the personnel of public accounting firms was decimated by staff being drafted and enlisting in the military. Although all CPA firms were affected to some extent, and all made contributions in one form or another, it was the predecessors of the firm now known as Deloitte & Touche who supplied the most high-level talent to the War effort. The firms that now comprise the modern Deloitte, including Haskins & Sells, Touche, Niven & Co., and McLaren, Goode & West, provided numerous firm partners to the Washington War machine. It was their efforts that insured victory for the allies and simultaneously led to innovations in accounting and auditing. In addition to leading the War efforts, these firms simultaneously provided two Wartime presidents of the American Institute of Accountants (now AICPA) and a president of the National Association of Cost Accountants (now Institute of Management Accountants).
