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Individual Submission Summary

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Business Student Perceptions of Faculty Attributes: An International Comparison

Sat, April 6, 11:15am to 12:30pm, Hyatt Regency Savannah, TBA


This study examines business students’ perceptions of the importance of faculty
attributes classified by teaching, experience, research, and service. Evidence from the
two countries of the United States (U.S.) and Tunisia reveals that, albeit differences in
the attribute rankings, the essential traits that learners find important in business faculty
are teaching and experience. We also report gender difference across both countries
where female students more highly value the teaching attributes, while male students
more highly value the faculty experience attribute. Despite the heterogeneity in the two
countries educational systems, students from both countries similarly perceive faculty
publications as least important in their learning experience and knowledge acquisition.
This finding suggests a disconnect between faculty research and teaching, commonly
referred to as the “research-teaching gap.” Our findings have policy implications for
institutions of higher education in at least three areas: the accreditation process,
curriculum design, and faculty evaluation and promotion.
