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Session Submission Type: Paper Session
Robert M. Wilbanks, Tennessee Tech University
Kristin Roland, Queens University of Charlotte
Bishal BC, Grand Valley State University - Grand Rapids
Ying Gan, Erasmus University Rotterdam
How Do Firms Learn? Evidence from Corporate Cash Holdings during the Covid-19 Pandemic - Bishal BC, Grand Valley State University - Grand Rapids; Thuy Simpson, Seidman College of Business, Grand Valley State University
Do Companies Alter their Stock Repurchase Strategies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic - Joanna Golden, University of Memphis; Zabihollah Rezaee, University of Memphis; Kenneth Zheng, University of Wyoming
Inventor CEOs in China - Ying Gan, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Jing Huang, College of Accountancy, Central University of Finance and Economics; Donghui Li, College of Economics, Shenzhen University; Zunxin Zheng, College of Economics, Shenzhen University
The BP Oil Spill and Income Classification Shifting of Oil and Gas Companies - Steve Garner, Tennessee Tech University; Michael J Lacina, University of Houston-Clear Lake; Shanshan Pan, University of Houston-Clear Lake