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Individual Submission Summary

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Analyst Forecast Revision Consistency and Price Discovery: Evidence of Market Efficiency

Fri, May 13, 3:30 to 4:50pm, Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, TBA


This study reexamines the information content and market price discovery associated with individual analysts' earnings forecast revisions. We refine the definition of high-innovation revisions (Gleason and Lee 2003) as high-innovation consistent forecast revisions and high-innovation reversal forecast revisions. Cross-sectional analysis shows that high-innovation reversal good (bad) news revisions, although having larger forecast changes, cause less upward (downward) post revision price shifts than high-innovation consistent good (bad) news revisions. We also find that the market can distinguish which group of analysts provides more useful information about firms’ true value but it takes some time for the market to digest this useful information.
