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But, we teach accounting! How do we foster diversity, equity, and inclusiveness within the accounting classroom and curriculum? As accounting educators, we are preparing students to enter the profession through technical knowledge of accounting. However, we are also instilling interpersonal skills to set our students on a path for successful careers and life.
Discussions of race are difficult to have, yet often necessary in today’s classroom! Therefore, if you have felt uncomfortable having conversations regarding race or diversity issues, this panel session is for you.
The goal of this panel* is to discuss strategies for incorporating or addressing issues of race in the classroom. Panel members will begin this session by introducing the underpinning of the issues about race, diversity, equity, and inclusion, based on scholarly research. The panel will provide real world examples shared by faculty as well as by the author(s) of various books. Participants will gain insights on mitigating the uncomfortable feelings and addressing issues when and where they arise regarding race, privilege, or inequality. Participants will also learn how to integrate current social events about race and diversity in their lectures to create an inclusive learning environment.
*Panel members have been participants in the CTLA Section’s Book Club organized by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of the CTLA Section.
Susan R Cockrell, Austin Peay State University
Amy F. Holmes, Trinity University
Susan M McCarthy, Arrupe College of Loyola University Chicago
Tracie Miller-Nobles, Austin Community College
Sandria S Stephenson, Georgia College & State University