AAA Spark Meeting of Regions

Individual Submission Summary

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Materials for Teaching Lean Accounting

Mon, May 24, 5:00 to 6:00pm, Virtual, TBA


This presentation provides an overview of materials for teaching lean accounting available from the recently created AAA Lean Accounting Content Repository. The materials are free for classroom use by any professors teaching managerial accounting. The material includes practice questions with suggested solutions, test questions with suggested solutions, minicases, writing assignments instructor notes, recorded presentations, and recorded lectures with accompanying PowerPoint slides and scripts.
The presentation will also describe strategies for incorporating some lean accounting topics into broad-based managerial accounting or cost accounting courses and provide an outline for an entire course devoted to lean accounting.
In addition, the presentation will briefly introduce other lean accounting material not available from the Lean Accounting Content Repository that professors may want to consider for adoption.
At the 2020 Management Accounting Mid-Year Conference, Orry Fiume, a former VP of Finance at Wiremold and a pioneer of lean accounting, argued for teaching lean accounting. He said (to his surprise) he did not receive any pushback on the idea from the professors attending the conference, but they noted a lack of available teaching materials – plug and play modules that they could incorporate into cost / managerial accounting courses.
The Lean Accounting Content Repository fulfills this need, providing materials that professors can adopt with very little added preparation time.
