AAA Spark Meeting of the Regions

Individual Submission Summary

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Engagement Order Consistency: Antecedents and Consequences

Thu, June 1, 2:00 to 3:00pm, Virtual, TBA


We examine the antecedents and consequences of engagement order consistency (EOC), defined as year-to-year stability in the order in which an audit office completes the audits of its portfolio of public clients. We find that EOC is strongly associated with audit-office characteristics that may affect, or reflect, how well an office manages the audit process for its entire portfolio of clients, and only marginally associated with audit-market, institutional and client characteristics. We further document that EOC is decreasing in the number of major client events, such as CEO/CFO turnover, which could disrupt the audit process. Lastly, we show that EOC is associated with common proxies for audit quality, and that the EOC-audit quality relation is incrementally stronger for complex engagements. We conclude that EOC may be useful as an alternative proxy for audit quality in future research.
