AAA Spark Meeting of the Regions

Individual Submission Summary

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Accounting Students’ Modality Choice in the Post-COVID Era

Sat, June 3, 3:30 to 4:30pm, Virtual, TBA


The purpose of this study is to shed light on accounting students’ preference on different teaching modalities in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using 192 responses collected from accounting students in spring and fall of 2022, we find that, while several students prefer 100% face-to-face instruction, students overall have a stronger preference for online components in accounting courses. The preference for online component is stronger for a technology-focused course relative to a financial reporting course. The student attributes which have the greatest influence on modality preferences are group learning preference and working hours. These findings indicate a one-modality-fits-all approach may not be the best choice when scheduling future accounting courses.
