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Some Tales from the Far Side of Forensic Accounting

Fri, March 14, 3:30 to 5:00pm, Sheraton Dallas Hotel, TBA


Accounting in general is all too often mischaracterized as a pedantic, verging on boring, profession. However, as any experienced CPA knows, accounting, particularly forensic accounting, can be a challenging and often times exciting practice. This article provides a number of broad ranging examples of actual fraud investigations experienced by the authors. The cases have been presented in the context of the applicable professional codes that govern the requirements for the review of these fraudulent situations. Inventory sleight of hand, cash misappropriation, check-kiting, tax evasion, and ghost employees, among others, are fraud cases discussed in detail including the detection methodologies and the variety of professional codes and standards that are applicable for both detection and prevention. These examples give the experienced auditor real life reminders of the need for professional skepticism, courage, and persistence and provides the beginning auditor or forensic accountant with potential insights into this challenging but interesting field of accounting. All accountants must continually be aware that there are as many different types of fraud as there are types of people so constant vigilance is a necessity.
