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Individual Submission Summary

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What Resources are Available to Help Accounting Professors Teach Writing?

Thu, March 13, 10:30am to 12:00pm, Sheraton Dallas Hotel, TBA


Numerous studies and reports have identified communication skills as critical to the success of our students as they enter and progress through the workplace. Academics agree that Ph.D. programs need to instruct students on teaching, but that conversation does not generally even touch on the need to teach students how to write. The American Accounting Association has increased its emphasis on teaching with the Conference on Teaching and Learning, and through that venue teachers have reached other teachers, sharing their innovations and findings. Issues in Accounting Education along with a number of other journals have published many articles aimed at helping us in the classroom, and some of those articles have focused on communication. This paper attempts to identify the readily available communication resources in order to facilitate the content professor who wants to incorporate written communication into the accounting classroom.
