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Session Submission Summary

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PANEL 3A: Technology: Does it Help Students Learn Accounting?

Thu, March 13, 1:30 to 3:00pm, Sheraton Dallas Hotel, TBA

Session Submission Type: Panel


Technology pervades almost every aspect of college classrooms, particularly in accounting. Most textbook publishers provide web-based products for student submission and automated grading of homework. Often the software provides “iterative” functionality such that students may choose to work the same problem multiple times with each iteration involving different numbers. Accounting majors may also be required to develop entry-level skills with some commercial software packages. Yet, we should stop and ask ourselves -- does so much technology result in students really learning and developing a strong understanding of accounting? Findings from around the world indicate that the smartest students are not necessarily from countries where education is the most technologically advanced. This panel will discuss how technology can help – but, also may be hindering – students trying to learn accounting.

Sub Track

