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AAA Southwest Region Meeting 2015
MARCH 11–14, 2015 - HOUSTON, TEXAS

Join us in Houston at the beautiful Hyatt Regency Houston Hotel. Submissions will be accepted beginning June 30, 2014. The submission deadline is September 30, 2014. .

What may I submit?
Papers, Poster Sessions, & Panel Discussions (topics with academic, practitioner, or pedagogical focus)

When is it due?
10 October 2014 (online submissions will be accepted starting June 30)

Who can submit?
AAA members, faculty, practitioners, doctoral/masters/undergraduate students.

Are awards given?
McGraw-Hill Irwin Distinguished Paper, Best Teaching & Learning Manuscript,
Best Doctoral Student Paper [If you are a student, please describe your status under "Additional Information."], etc.

All paper and poster submissions will be blind peer-reviewed. Papers submitted to a regional meeting may have been submitted to the American Accounting Association national meeting or midyear sectional meetings, but must NOT have been published elsewhere before our regional meeting. Papers may have an academic, practitioner or pedagogical focus. Student papers (doctoral, masters and undergraduate) are especially encouraged.

  • Complete Paper Submission: Prepare one double-spaced, 12-point font, 1" margins document for upload. The submission form will include a field for a short abstract (150 or fewer words) of your paper.
  • Poster Session Submission for Effective Learning Strategies: Submissions are encouraged for poster sessions on ELS topics. Poster display sizes and display space will be determined at a later date and presenters will be notified directly of those specifications. To submit an ELS poster session, log into AAA Southwest Region 2015 Submissions Portal. Click "Submit or Edit an Item," select "Poster," and follow the instructions within the submission form.
  • Workshop or Panel Discussion Submission: Description (up to 300 words) — If you have an idea for a panel discussion and want to moderate that panel, submit your proposed topic, panel members (names, titles, and employers), and brief description of the topic.
  • Call For Volunteers: If you are interested in serving as a reviewer, moderator, or discussant, please select “Volunteer Opportunities” from the Submitter Menu.

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