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Individual Submission Summary

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Tenure Track Opt-Outs: Leakages from the Academic Pipeline

Sat, April 27, 8:15 to 9:55am, Hyatt Fisherman's Wharf, TBA


This study explores a widely discussed but previously underresearched phenomenon: individuals with Ph.D.s who have opted out of tenure-track academic positions. By identifying both individuals who have left academia entirely and those who have chosen to move into non-tenure track positions, our study quantifies the population of “academic opt outs” over a 22 year sample period, concluding that almost 600 accounting Ph.D.s or 8.9% of Ph.D.s granted during the period, have “leaked” out of the academic accounting pipeline. We then surveyed this group to assess potential reasons for choosing to leave tenure-track academic positions. Results indicate that dissatisfaction with research is a significant factor for faculty now employed in non-tenure track positions. In contrast, disillusionment with academe as a whole is a significant factor for faculty leaving academe entirely. Personal factors including gender and the existence of more attractive employment opportunities appear to play a minimal role. Results have implications for policies and practices in Ph.D. programs and academic units.
