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Individual Submission Summary

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Drivers and Performance Consequences of Corporate Short-Termism

Thu, April 25, 4:35 to 5:50pm, Hyatt Fisherman's Wharf, TBA


Using conference call transcripts to measure corporate short-termism, we explore the determinants and performance consequences of managerial short-termism. We find that capital market inefficiencies in the form of speculative markets and limits to arbitrage are significant contributors to short-termism. Moreover, we find that hidden-action and hidden-information problems further exacerbate short-termism. In addition, we show that aspects of corporate culture, such as gender, nationality, and prosocial tendency of a firm’s leadership, also determine short-termism. Consistent with analytical models, we find that holding current performance constant, short-term oriented companies underperform their peers in the next five years both in terms of accounting and stock market performance.
