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2007 AACTE Annual Meeting & Exhibits, February 24-27, 2007, Hilton New York

The most dangerous strategy is to jump a chasm in two leaps.
--Benjamin Disraeli

This call for presentations is an opportunity to reflect on and share in advancing the learning of PK-12 students, furthering the common agenda of educator preparation, and guiding the direction of AACTE. As we jump from new visions to action, we can do so from a foundation based on the strategic priorities developed by the membership - these priorities become the strands that support the 2007 Annual Meeting & Exhibits theme:

I. Unify the membership by developing clear statements, based on evidence and professional consensus, about educational preparation in five areas: standards, curriculum, assessment, accountability, and who belongs in the profession.
II. Establish and maintain a credible voice in state and federal policy making, advocating for high quality student learning.
III. Strengthen programs and build their capacity to prepare educators who can teach every child effectively.
IV. Increase the diversity of education candidates and improve programs' curricula to insure that all educators can serve diverse learners.

Additionally, we are carried by the momentum generated from three core orientations for the education profession:
Learner centered - the crucial public and moral work done by teachers and other educators is to serve communities and society by directing all standards, practices, and measures of effectiveness toward the academic success of all learners
Public oriented - the future of public education will depend on rebuilding public trust in the work of educators and establishing new citizen compacts for sharing the responsibility for educating all children
Evidence based - the foundation of an education profession must continually examine and improve practice based on the best evidence available through research and professional consensus

Moving from vision to action explicitly requires that the membership carefully examine the four imperatives that encompass the AACTE strategic priorities and the Annual Meeting theme - and that the jump is made in one leap, together.

Please visit the AACTE Home Page for additional Information.
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