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AAIDD (formerly AAMR) 131st Annual Meeting, Sheraton Atlanta Hotel, May 21-24, 2007
The 2007 Annual Meeting will focus on supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Recognizing successful supports often come from multiple domains, areas of professional interest, and constituent groups, this theme reflects the multidisciplinary strengths of the Association and those who contribute to it. The supports focus of this meeting draws upon current research in the field, its practical application by support providers and the benefit received by persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The sub-themes that will be addressed in the conference include (in alphabetical order):
  • Assessment of Support Needs
  • Family Supports
  • Health & Wellness Supports
  • Housing Supports
  • Positive Behavioral Supports
  • Research that Improves & Develops Supports
  • Self-Directed Supports
  • Supports Coordination
In addition, one track will be devoted to more broadly focused topics that have timely significance to the field (e.g., cutting edge research, prevention efforts, early intervention, etc.). The program committee will give consideration to symposia/panels and poster submissions related to the subthemes listed above.

Deadline: November 15th, 2006.

Young Professionals, Students & Self-Advocates:

Submissions from young professionals, students, and self-advocates are strongly encouraged. Conference participation by these constituents of the Association is important and highly valued by our Association members.

Types of Presentations:

Abstracts are being solicited for the following types of presentations: interactive poster presentations; theme sessions (see sub themes and additional track above) with multiple presenters or a panel; and workshops.

Please note that all proposals must use people-first language. Authors should use terms such as "people with intellectual disabilities" or "children with developmental disabilities" and no terms such as
"mentally retarded."
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