Individual Submission Summary

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The Historical and Literary Images of Minamoto no Yoshitsune

Wed, June 24, 11:05am to 1:00pm, South Building, Floor: 9th Floor, S901


Every nation has a unique hero that crosses ages and widely known; to consider why these heroes are popular and how their images are established, it is undoubtedly helpful for us to understand more about the nation. Among the ideal heroes in Japan, Minamoto no Yoshitsune can be regarded as the most renowned and popular one. The amount of related literature works can certainly prove that. Through these works, we can find Minamoto no Yoshitsunes image has changed during different periods. Studies about Minamoto no Yoshitsune are so many but most of them are focused on Minamoto no Yoshitsune’s life or the legends about him. However, my research will focus on his image change, to see how the literature established his image and the historical significance behind the changes of his image. Frist, I will compare his image of different literatures. Second, I will summarize different literatures’ attitude towards Minamoto no Yoshitsune, and also figure out the reason behind it. Third, I will find how the thought of that time contribute to Minamoto no Yoshitsune’s image change. Research object of this paper is not only to know the character, but also to find out the thoughts, and Sino-Japanese relationships behind it.
