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Marriage Markets in East Asia

Sun, June 26, 1:00 to 2:50pm, Shikokan (SK), Floor: 1F, 119


Drawing on IIASA/VID surveys of demographic shifts in spousal homogamy in China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan this multinational team of investigators from Spain, Taiwan, the UK, and the US, explores the impact both of delayed marriage and increased matching on educational background on family formation in East Asia. Because educational achievement historically determined the timing for entry into marriage market, as well as providing a matching function on social and economic status, we look at how shifting educational compositions and educational homogamy in the marriage market may impact future education-specific marriage rates in East Asia. In sum, this paper offers models to estimate how education-specific as well as overall marriage rates may shift given variation in the patterns of educational mating in a given supply of age- and education-specific population.
