Session Submission Summary

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Shifting Security Dynamics in East Asia: Charting a Path toward Regional Stability

Sun, June 26, 10:30am to 12:20pm, Shikokan (SK), Floor: 1F, 114

Session Submission Type: Organized Panel Proposal Application


In the early 21st century, the world order set up by the Western world after World War II is crumbling. This is particularly prominent in East Asia, where the power-shift due to China’s rise to global power has occurred in a decisive manner during the last two decades. While China’s growing economic power has benefited regional actors by stimulating region-wide economic networks, its growing military capabilities and assertive policies have aroused wary reactions from its neighbors. The United States, the incumbent hegemon of the Asia-Pacific, has placed a particularly keen eye toward the developments in the region. Given the noteworthy flux in international political structure, this panel asks following questions: How have major regional actors, China, Japan, South Korea, and ASEAN countries, inter-played and responded to the shifting power dynamics in East Asia? What have been the underlying causes that led to their trajectories to diverge? Based on thorough analyses of area studies experts on the respective countries, this panel will distill some key lessons for mapping the path toward regional stability and security.

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