Session Submission Summary

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Licit and Illicit Lives in the Indian Ocean

Sun, June 26, 1:00 to 2:50pm, Shikokan (SK), Floor: BF, 002

Session Submission Type: Organized Panel Proposal Application


From the multifaceted security challenges that it currently presents to the socioeconomic opportunities and cultural diversity that it always offered, the Indian Ocean has been on the rise again as a locus of vibrant intellectual discourse by scholars in and of the regions around its long, transcontinental rims. Questions surrounding identity and mobility (physical as well as socioeconomic) have been the hallmarks of the Indian Ocean World that also foregrounded wider global connections. By bringing together five emerging scholars from different disciplines and institutions, this panel aims to deliberate on global challenges that once confronted – and continue to confront – the Indian Ocean World and real-life questions that it raises. The panellists will especially focus on the licit and illicit lives in the Indian Ocean region through the changing faces and sources of authority from the colonial gaze to piracy and the β€œwar on terror.”

Area of Study

Session Organizer

Individual Presentations