Paper Summary

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Beyond Personalization: Contrasting Approaches to Policy Changes in Two Rural Schools

Sat, April 5, 8:15 to 9:45am, Convention Center, Floor: 200 Level, Hall E


How do small, rural high schools serving high percentages of low-income students respond to mandates that result from federal and state policy changes? What approaches toward curriculum, instruction, and interventions can account for their graduation rates? And what are the proximal and distal factors that differentiate schools with higher graduation rates from those with average graduation rates? This mixed-method multiple case study sought to answer these questions by examining classroom, school, district, and community factors, as well as the interrelations between them. Looking through the lens of socio-ecological theory at two schools with different results this paper shares findings related to influences across all levels, in particular approaches to curriculum, instruction, and interventions; planning; recognition/rewards; and community relations.
