Paper Summary

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Differences in the Components and Relations of a Multidimensional Model of Reading Comprehension in Low and Average 8- to 11-Year-Old French Readers

Mon, April 7, 8:15 to 10:15am, Convention Center, Floor: 100 Level, 125


If the simple view of reading characterized reading comprehension as a product of decoding and linguistic comprehension, researches have evolved to more complex models of reading comprehension. In this study, we test the fit of a multidimensional model of Reading comprehension with a dataset obtains with 298 low and average 8 to 11 years old French readers. A structural equation modeling approach was adopted to test if the components and relations between this components are the same in the adjusted models for low and for average readers. The results shown that if the components are identical in both model, relationships between components are fewer in the low readers’ model than in the more interconnected average readers’ model.
