Paper Summary

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The Development, Validation, and Use of the Personalized Learning Environment Questionnaire

Fri, April 4, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Marriott, Floor: Fourth Level, 412


This paper reports the development, validation and use of a new instrument, the Personalised Learning Environment Inventory (PLEI). The final form of the PLEI has 66 items assigned to 19 scales. A trial sample of 230 students from 2 country high schools was used to refine the initial version of the PLEQ. This revised version of the PLEQ was subsequently administered to the main sample of 2,407 students from 4 schools in one large provincial Victorian city. Factor and item analyses confirmed the sound psychometric structure to the instrument. Comparisons of scale score according to gender of student illustrate the utility of the PLEQ.
