Paper Summary

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The Promise of Restorative Practices for Reducing the Racial Discipline Gap and Helping Vulnerable Students

Thu, April 3, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Terrace IV


“Restorative Practices (RP)” aim to increase trust and community in schools, thereby lowering suspension rates. The study examined the student experience of RP classrooms with a focus on students placed at-risk for suspension. Statistical comparisons showed that Black and Latino students (N = 437) rated teachers similarly on RP practices compared to their peers. HLM showed that teachers who implemented more restorative practices tended to be experienced as respectful by students of varying racial and ethnic groups. Higher RP implementers also issued fewer discipline referrals to their Black and Latino students. Yet, males and victimized students (e.g., assaulted) rated their teachers lower on RP compared to their peers. Findings have implications for the universal or group-specific benefits of RP.
