Session Submission Summary

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Aesthetics and Analysis: Method in the Practice of Arts-Based Educational Research

Sat, April 5, 2:45 to 4:15pm, Marriott, Floor: Fourth Level, 409

Session Type: Demonstration/Performance


Two ABER practitioners will demonstrate the intersection of aesthetic thinking and analysis in ABER work. This constitutes an inquiry into ABER process, addressing increasing the quality and viability of our methods, strengthening what we learn from our inquiries. The following questions structure their explorations:
• What are ways in which an inquirer in ABER might begin?
• How does an ABER inquirer leverage emotion, body, and the imagined world as the imagined world comes up against the so-called “real” world?
• What is the place of “data” in such imaginings?
• What does an ABER practitioner need to know in order to artfully perform ABER?
Their individual pieces will be 1) a section of a comicbook and 2) dance/poetry.

Sub Unit



