Paper Summary

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Investigating the Content Validity of Classroom Observation Instruments: Procedures and Potential Issues for School Systems

Sat, April 18, 2:45 to 4:15pm, Hyatt, Floor: East Tower - Purple Level, Riverside West


Districts around the US are revamping teacher and leader evaluation systems in response to Race to the Top (2009). District should aware of procedures and types of evidence supporting content validity of these new teacher observation instruments. Using a newly created teacher evaluation system, procedures and types of evidence leading to greater content validity are presented. Data sources examined include existing interview data, peer-reviewed research, expert opinion, teacher and leader input, and timelines. Findings suggest that evidence supporting the content validity of teacher evaluation observation instruments is primarily procedural in nature, should be well-documented throughout instrument creation, and outlines the importance for school districts to create observation instruments through a multistage process relying heavily on expert opinion and existing research.
