Paper Summary

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Teachers as Developers of the New Finnish "From Subjects to Topics" Curriculum

Mon, April 11, 2:45 to 4:15pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Exhibit Hall D Section B


The purpose of this pilot study is to frame a design and hypotheses for collecting a large scale data to measure the readiness of Finnish class and subject teachers to the forthcoming curriculum change (2016) and for the professional development it requires. The pilot survey aims at finding out what the teachers’ curriculum-related thinking is like.
A survey, a factor- and one-way variance analysis were conducted to analyze the data. The results show two aspects in the renewal process as elements for hypotheses formation: New Learning Environments and Student-Centered Multi-professional Collaboration. Class teachers showed a greater readiness in these. The findings lead us to contemplate the structures of subject teacher education in relation with the goals of the curriculum renewal.
