Paper Summary

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Plan and Act: Examining the Development of Elementary Students' Self-Regulatory Behaviors

Sun, April 10, 8:15 to 9:45am, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 159 B


This study examines the development and initial validation of the Plan and Act self-report measure for elementary students. The aim is to assess student development of self-regulation in mathematics learning within the context of the Primary Years Program (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate (IB). A total of 355 students responded to items evaluating the frequency in which they engage in self-regulatory behaviors. This scale is based on Zimmerman’s (2000) three phase model of self-regulated learning. Exploratory factor analysis revealed two factors with acceptable reliability estimates and expected correlations with measures of efficacy and engagement. Given the importance of developing good habits during the formative years of elementary education, research is needed on instrumentation to assess student self-regulation in elementary settings.
