Paper Summary

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The Quality of Feedback: Instructional Practices Captured in Video-Recorded Classroom Observations

Tue, April 12, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Marriott Marquis, Floor: Level Four, Congress


Internationally, little evidence of supporting purposes of classroom assessment exists. In the present study, we investigate feedback practices language arts classrooms. By comparing video observations from 218 recorded language arts lessons across 46 secondary classrooms in Norway, this study considers the quality of feedback given orally by teachers to students, as well as from students to other students, and students’ self-assessment. The findings suggest that there are substantial differences in the quality of feedback across classrooms, with the majority of teachers providing feedback that is either absent or low. The present study contributes with systematic findings on the quality of feedback in the classroom, and enables an analysis within and across a large number of classrooms and lower secondary schools.
