Paper Summary

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Designing Rubrics to Assess Information Literacy Skills in Naturalistic Classroom Settings in Hong Kong

Sat, April 9, 4:05 to 6:05pm, Marriott Marquis, Floor: Level Two, Marquis Salon 4


This paper reports an investigation of assessing students’ information literacy (IL) in a naturalistic classroom environment by using a set of rubrics. A total of 72 lessons from 15 classrooms in Hong Kong were examined. Results indicate that the rubric is generally valid and usable in assessing students’ IL skills but three more attributes which include basic computer operations, search skills and ethical use of technology need to be added into the rubric and refinement of two existing attributes were also needed. Findings also revealed that more attention needs to be put on higher order IL skills. It is hoped that the results will contribute useful information and tools for teachers in assessing students’ IL skills in daily classroom practices.
