Session Submission Summary

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Division L Invited Session: Reconceptualizing How We Study and Support Research Use

Fri, April 8, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 143 C

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


Panelists in this session are involved in multiple efforts that aim to re-conceptualize research use. Two sets of panelists are engaged in the empirical study of research use, as part of two recently-awarded IES-funded centers of knowledge utilization. These groups are tasked with measuring and studying research use among school and district leaders. A third set of panelists is part of an NSF-funded effort that is developing and testing new models for relating research and practice. They are engaged in rethinking dissemination and are exploring how collaborative design efforts that engage both researchers and practitioners together can promote equity in STEM education.

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