Session Submission Summary

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Public Scholarship and Teacher Education for Diverse Democracies

Sun, April 10, 8:15 to 10:15am, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Room 207 B

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


This session features four very different examples of public scholarship related to teacher preparation: evidence-based public advocacy work to shape state regulations regarding teaching for multilingual learners; an equity-centered educational magazine that bridges scholarship and policy/practice; a National Education Policy Center policy brief that assesses the claims and evidence behind teacher education accountability initiatives; and recent cross-institutional and cross-state efforts in teacher education to work collectively and publicly to challenge federal regulations. The last segment of the session will feature interactive discussion with the audience about: the conditions that make public scholarship possible in teacher education, the impact it has at multiple levels, the range and variation of this work, and the current limited resources that support teacher educators in this work

Sub Unit

