Session Submission Summary

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Public Scholarship on the Witness Stand: The Impact of Research and Expert Testimony in Educational Reform Litigation

Sun, April 10, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Room 202 A

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


The thoughtful and methodical process of educational research could not be more different from the hurly-burly of the courtroom. Yet, many scholars have used the expert witness stand to shape the outcomes of landmark legal cases (think the Grutter v. Bollinger affirmative action case), and work with advocates to effect important policy change through the courts. Members of the academic and legal community will examine the challenges, risks, and significant opportunities of public scholarship on the witness stand. They will provide candid insights about the uncomfortable contentious process of moving scholarship through the judiciary. They discuss the tensions in navigating burden-of-proof standards, explaining and interpreting complex research, and diving into the adversarial process and the surrounding public arena.

Sub Unit

