Paper Summary

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State of the Nation: K–12 e-Learning in Canada

Mon, May 1, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Hemisfair Ballroom 1


Current research in K-12 online learning in Canada has focused on defining distance learning and its current strengths and weaknesses. Yet, the proliferation of e-learning has led to the emergence of new instructional strategies and practices for teachers in online and onsite classrooms. For these emerging practices little is known empirically, only anecdotally, as research into these practices has been limited or nonexistent, particularly in Canada. In this session, you will discover that all provinces and territories in Canada have some level of K-12 online learning, while many have some form of regulation related to K-12 online learning. However, few provinces and territories have any regulations related to blended learning; and the level of blended learning activity varies between jurisdictions.
