Paper Summary

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A Study of Student Engagement in Test Feedback in a Large Undergraduate Engineering Course

Thu, April 27, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Floor: Ballroom Level, Hemisfair Ballroom 1


In this presentation we will present a mechanism, the reflective self/peer assessment to enhance engineering students’ engagement in test feedback and examine the efficacy of the mechanism. Students’ emotional and cognitive engagement in peer assessment was examined via interviews, surveys, and reflections. Results show that the cognitive engagement of the PSA (Peer and Self-Assessment) group was significantly higher than that of the CG (Control Group).
Interviews and reflections suggest that the SA (Self-Assessment without Incentive), SAI (Self-Assessment with Incentive) and PSA groups were emotionally and cognitively engagement in the test feedback.
