Paper Summary

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"How Do I Cope?" Newly Qualified Teachers' Perceived Self-Efficacy

Tue, April 17, 10:35am to 12:05pm, New York Hilton Midtown, Floor: Concourse Level, Concourse C Room


This paper examines newly educated teachers’ (NQTs) self-efficacy beliefs during their first term in the profession. The data consists of interviews with 13 NQTs before and after they start working as teachers. This is the first of a three-stage longitudinal study purporting better to understand the reasons for which novice teachers experience practice shock and on this basis be able to design measures to help them. Early findings point to three main areas of challenges for the NQTs: (1) connecting with the pupils, (2) teaching skills and (3) structuring themselves. The findings of this study underscore the importance of teacher education programs helping the teacher students experience mastery in challenging situations early on in their careers.
