Paper Summary

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Poetry as Truth: Deschooling the United States, AERA, and the Ivan Illich SIG

Mon, April 8, 4:10 to 6:10pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 200 Level, Room 201A


In this Poetry as Truth Performance we pop new propositions to DeSchool the Trumpedupness of our democracy. With modes of multiplicity, we present a fresh Illichian simplicity for conviviality. Our pedagogy of public praxis presents two points: 1. A Post Apoco-Poetic-Mode and Alternative Analysis of Illichian ‘Truth.’ 2. A Radical Departure, Re-Iterative Reemergence, & Revolutionary Re-Searched Revival to Promote Public Sphere Scholar-Activist Survival! We mix art, eco-activism, and scholarship to take the SIG deeper into its own roots. Illich’s Truth shines in our call for forest garden archaeologies and civic communal Earth-kind divine. This novel creation space-place time sets us on a new super slow wavelength sublime.
