Paper Summary

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Refocusing Gender Inquiry: How Women in STEM Make Meaning of Research on Women in STEM

Sat, April 6, 12:20 to 1:50pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 200 Level, Room 202A


Research on women and gender in undergraduate STEM programs is critical, as gender inequity and sexism persist across STEM disciplines. However, little is known about how women in STEM experience the national research focus on their experiences as members of a marginalized group. This paper utilizes data from a larger mixed-methods study on gender equity in computing to explore how women computing majors make meaning of research on “women in computing”. Findings reveal that women are affected by the national focus on their experiences and cite concerns about participating in research and being perceived as receiving special treatment by their peers. These and other findings are discussed, pointing to important implications for researchers, particularly those examining gender equity in STEM.
