Paper Summary

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What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger: Connecting Challenges and Outcomes of Research-Practice Partnerships

Sun, April 7, 9:55 to 11:25am, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 200 Level, Room 201F


This paper seeks to understand relationships between the common challenges that research-practice partnerships (RPPs) face and the relational/foundational outcomes they pursue. Drawing on Henrick et al.’s (2017) framework for assessing the effectiveness of RPPs, we analyze survey and interview data from a larger study of 27 IES-funded RPPs. Our findings indicate that partnerships that experienced turnover, timeline asynchronicities, and not having the right decision-makers at the table made more growth on outcomes related to relational/foundational practices than RPPs that only experienced one of these challenges. Additionally, RPP members who experienced all three challenges were more likely to name relational/foundational characteristics when describing markers of successful partnerships.
